Personal Moral Rights and Human Security in the Virtual Space
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Personal Moral Rights and Human Security in the Virtual Space
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Sergey Sinitsyn 
Occupation: Deputy Director
Affiliation: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Moscow, Russia

The rapid non-linear development of digital technologies leads to new challenges for legal regulation. It is required that legal policy develops a hierarchy of values and priorities to establish a balance of interests of a society, business, state and particular person in the implementation and expansion of the areas where digital technologies are used. The author confirms the correctness of preserving the concept of technological neutrality of law, provided that its general task remains the all-round prevention, suppression of any form of discrimination and manipulation in the digital society with a one-time provision of the technical possibility of identifying the offender, while preventing and suppressing offenses. Ensuring the interests of a person and the inviolability of his private life in the digital space should be considered as the main technological imperative of modern law, both at the current moment and in the future of technology development. It is argued that the virtual space provides only additional opportunities for social communications, remaining in the sphere of public relations that require updating legal regulation with a critical understanding of the potential of self-regulation methods for digital platforms. It is noteworthy that if generally binding requirements and rules begin to develop in the legislation regarding the anonymization of processed information, then with regard to the mass coordination of consciousness by the digital environment and prohibitions on the use of certain technologies of neuroinfluence and responsibility, clear rules and norms in international and national law have not been established at all. At the present stage, the inclusion of personal data in modern circulation is postulated, but this is not preceded by a detailed analysis of the possibility of their characterization as a product in the legal and economic sense and the global risks associated with this. In the absence of the development and operation of adequate mechanisms for the protection of personal rights and with increasing control and coordination of individual behavior in the virtual space, there are sufficient grounds for expanding the international legal understanding of slavery and servitude, which is equally important for the development of both international and national law. The work is focused on the idea of updating the protection of personal rights in the context of the development of the digital economy and measures to improve legislation related to this.

protection of personal non-property rights, virtual space as a segment of public relations, protective regime of personal data, uniform regimes for ensuring the protection of privacy, unscrupulous practices of using neurotechnologies in the virtual space
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Additional sources and materials

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