Legal Regime of Protection and Security of Personal Data in National Legislations
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Legal Regime of Protection and Security of Personal Data in National Legislations
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Daliya Veliulova 
Occupation: Senior Specialist, Department of Constitutional Law
Affiliation: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Moscow, Russia

The article discusses some aspects of the development of legal regulation in the field of protection and security of personal data in various national legislations, in particular in Russia, Great Britain, the European Union, the CIS, and the Middle East. The peculiarities of the influence of the main international data protection standards formed during the practice of European states on their subsequent implementation in the normative acts of national legal systems are analyzed. The relevance of the research is due to the modern reality, which is characterized by the progressive development of technologies and digitalization in conjunction with the permanently increasing volume of turnover of data collection, processing and interstate exchange. In this regard, new problems and challenges arise for national legislators, which can be solved by consolidating the accumulated experience of states in a specific area.

The objectives of the work are to study the general and special in the mechanisms of personal data protection at national levels, as well as to identify the main trends in legislation and prospects for their development.

Research methods: comparative legal, formal legal, interpretation of law and system-structural analysis.

Conclusions are drawn about the main trends in the development of the right to personal data protection in legislation, its increasing role in national legal systems, as well as the processes of its universalization and constitutionalization in the last few years are noted. The established modern system of personal data protection is characterized today by a combination and close interweaving of national, supranational and international legal principles.

human rights, the right to personal data protection, the right to privacy protection, digital age, Convention No. 108
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Additional sources and materials

1. Bondar N. S. Information and Digital Space in the Constitutional Dimension: From the Practice of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. Journal of Russian Law, 2019, no. 11, pp. 25—42. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.12737/jrl.2019.11.2. 
2. Karpov S. A. Approaches to the constitutionalization of the right to informational self-determination: the experience of Switzerland. Proceedings of the Institute of State and Law of the RAS, 2022, vol. 17, no. 2. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.35427/2073-4522-2022-17-2-karpov. 
3. Kovler A. I. Anthropology of Human Rights in the Digital Age (the Essay of the Comparative Legal Method). Journal of Russian Law, 2022, vol. 26, no. 12, pp. 5—29. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.12737/jrl.2022.125. 
4. Oganesyan T. D. The Right to Personal Data Protection: Historical Aspect and Modern Conceptualization in the Age of Big Data. Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law, 2020, no. 2, pp. 48—63. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.12737/jflcl.2020.010. 
5. Talapina E. V., Yuzhakov V. N., Chereshneva I. A. Ensuring fundamental human rights in data processing in public administration. Moscow, 2022. (In Russ.)


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