Integration Processes and Issues of Formation of the International Administrative Law Modern Concept
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Integration Processes and Issues of Formation of the International Administrative Law Modern Concept
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Aleksandr Nozdrachev 
Occupation: Chief Researcher
Affiliation: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Moscow, Russia

Russia interacts with many states of the world in most diverse areas of life, complementing each other, uniting to solve most significant challenge of our time in the mutual interests. Integration is a legally formalized process. The supranational international normative array, as one of the most important aspects of international integration, exists as an independent international legal phenomenon with a certain structural and normative organization. Since integration associations are organizations, a management element inevitably appears in them, which is subject to regulation by special norms — administrative and legal norms. Experience shows, that the goals and objectives of integration cannot be achieved without the creation of an effective supranational administrative and legal regulation.

The article provides a brief overview of the integration associations’ documents such as CIS, EAEU, Union State of Russia and Belarus, SCO, BRICS, the Arctic Council concerning the organizational aspects of cooperation between states and the institutions of interaction created by them. The legal nature of supranational and transnational legal structures and complexes related to interstate integration activities and the formation of the concept of international administrative law is discussed.

International administrative law has not yet emerged as a phenomenon of legal reality. The concept of international administrative law should be formed as the organizational (managerial) law of interstate integration relations. The subject of its regulation is the organizational relations of states regarding and in connection with the participation of the Russian Federation in interstate integration processes that go beyond national borders. The nature of organizational relations determines their legal regulation through binding prescriptions based on both the powers of the state (its bodies) and the bodies of interstate associations.

international administrative law, sources of international administrative law, public administration, administrative law, integration, international organizations, regional international cooperation, state, national sovereignty, international legal acts
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Additional sources and materials

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