Comparative Methodology for the Formation of Legal Models
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Comparative Methodology for the Formation of Legal Models
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Aleksey V. Egorov 
Occupation: Rector, Belarus State Economic University; Member of the Standing Committee on Legislation, House of Representatives, National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus
Belarus State Economic University
House of Representatives, National Assembly of the Republic of Belarus
Address: Minsk, Belarus

Legal modeling is an important area of modern scientific research. The potential of activities for the formation and introduction of legal models into the national environment may be improved when the methods of comparative law are used extensively. The external reserves for the reformation and modification of modern legal systems are searched for with the help of comparative legal tools including legal reception.

The purpose of the study is to determine the main comparative approaches in the implementation of legal modeling. For this purpose, the main methodological rules for using comparative law for the formation and adaptation to new social conditions of legal models based on the study of foreign legal experience are considered.

The main method of research is a comparative analysis of the components of legal reality emerging and functioning in different social conditions.

The results of study. It is necessary to distinguish between the comparative knowledge of foreign legal matter studied by comparative (descriptive) law and the theory of legal comparative studies itself (general theory of law) that is a meta-theory of modern legal science aimed at ensuring macro-level interaction of national legal systems. The basic for modeling and reception of legal objects of foreign origin is the legal family doctrine structured in the «trichotomy» of Romano-Germanic, Anglo-Saxon and religious-communal law. The theoretical and methodological components of this formal legal unity of legal systems are the main legal markers. There are the sources and system of law, the characteristics of the legal norm and the legal concepts. The methodology of legal comparative studies used at the subject, object and instrumental levels of legal modeling are consistently described in the article.

legal model, modeling, comparative jurisprudence, legal reception, legal family, national legal system
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Additional sources and materials

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