Evolution of the Judiciary in the Information Society
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Evolution of the Judiciary in the Information Society
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Khanlar Gadjiev 
Occupation: Chief Researcher, Center of Judicial Law
Affiliation: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Moscow, Russia
Elena Povorova
Occupation: Deputy Editor-in-Chief
Affiliation: Editorial Office of the Magazine “Russian Justice”
Address: Moscow, Russia

Social interaction is changing as a result of technological evolution. The judiciary, which is closest to society, reacts sensitively to all changes in the conditions and forms of working with information. The judges are responsible not only for establishing a fair balance between all factors that are important for the effectiveness of the entire legal system but also for protecting the legitimate expectations of citizens as the basis of public confidence in the judiciary. The ongoing modernisation of justice takes into account the possibilities of technology in terms of optimising routine actions and at the same time strengthens the law enforcement and law-making potential of all judicial functions. Judicial policy in the information society prioritises the formation of a positive image of the judiciary.

Modern media give the judiciary more control over the way they convey information to their recipients, and now it is not important for law enforcement officers how the media can be useful, but what they are able to say to the public.

The use of judicial doctrines, including the argumentation of judicial acts, serves the development of judicial law and reveals in a new way the potential of the legal influence of courts on the information society. The judicial acts formulate legal doctrines that are capable of forming not only models of legal behaviour but also influencing the legal consciousness of society as a whole. The media participate in the formation of the legal landscape of public power and influence the formation and satisfaction of the request of civil society to receive meaningful information on judicial issues affecting the life of society and its ideas about the fairness and legality of the courts. The judicial system is changing the models of interaction with society in parallel with the change in the internal organisation of information flow management, which turns out to be involved in mediatisation. The evolution of the judiciary is closely related to the media space, where the judiciary publishes its judgements, statistical data, and information about the activities of judicial bodies, and is also involved in the general mediatisation, which affects the entire social reality with its public institutions and civil society.

judiciary, information technologies, digitalisation of justice, judicial practice, mediatisation, information policy, publicity of the judicial process, artificial intelligence, information society
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Additional sources and materials

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