Criminal Law Measures to Counter Radicalism in the CIS Member States
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Criminal Law Measures to Counter Radicalism in the CIS Member States
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Olga I. Semykina 
Occupation: Leading Researcher, Center of Criminal and Criminal Procedure Legislation
Affiliation: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Moscow, Russia

The article reveals the trends of updating criminal law measures to counter the spread of radicalism, which develops into extremism and terrorism, in the criminal codes of the CIS member states (for example, the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Kyrgyz Republic, the Republic of Tajikistan, the Republic of Uzbekistan). In particular, a comparative legal assessment is given of the approaches of legislators of individual CIS integration association partner states to criminalize acts associated with “violent”, “internal” and “ideological” extremism, or committed on the grounds of “hate speech”, xenophobia and other discriminatory preferences. Particular attention is paid to the recognition of the public danger of propaganda of destructive ideology demonstrated by radical subcultural movements using any media methods (in public speeches, with placement on a social network, presentation in films, etc.).

The purpose of the study is to highlight the modern vectors of development of the criminal legislation of the CIS member states in the field of criminal law protection of the stability of the functioning of state institutions, public security, cultural sovereignty and civil solidarity from radicalism and new manifestations of “violent”, “internal” and “ideological” extremism.

Within the framework of the conducted research, the dialectical method of cognition, general scientific methods of consistency, determinism, abstraction, modeling, analysis and synthesis, as well as special legal methods — comparative legal, logical—legal, content analysis of documents were used.

Based on the results of a comparative legal analysis of scientific approaches, the program documents of the IPA CIS and the norms of the criminal codes of the CIS member states directly aimed at countering radicalism, the author concludes that there are similar trends in establishing responsibility for certain forms of acts of a radical nature. These include the propaganda of destructive ideology aimed at inciting extremist crimes committed on the grounds of “hate speech”, public demonstration of destructive ideology among young people in order to involve radical subcultures in movements, as well as public calls for actions directed against the security of the state. In addition, attention is drawn to the priority importance of documents of interstate cooperation of the CIS member states in the field of countering acts of extremist and terrorist orientation.

radicalism, extremism, extremist crimes, terrorism, hate speech, hate crime, criminal subculture, destructive ideology, criminal code, responsibility
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Additional sources and materials

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