Interaction of Administrative and Civil Law: The Experience of Russian and German Convergence of Public and Private Law
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Interaction of Administrative and Civil Law: The Experience of Russian and German Convergence of Public and Private Law
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Anna Vasilyeva 
Occupation: Associate Professor at the Department of Constitutional Law
Affiliation: Saint-Petersburg State University
Address: St. Petersburg, Russia

Russian and German law are based on the principle of dividing law into private and public. Such a division of law, on the one hand, is quite customary to these legal systems; on the other hand, the boundaries of public and private law are very mobile. As a result of the mutual penetration of public and private law at each stage of the legal system development, not only the subject of legal regulation “redistributed”, but “mixed” zones appear. Such mixed zones are characterized by private-public (administrative-private) regulation, which generates various theoretical and practical problems of combining two types of legal impact on public relations.

The research is aimed at identifying the features of the penetration of public law into civil law (“publicizing” civil law) and civil law into administrative law (“privatization” of administrative law).

During the study, the key tools were the intersectoral approach and the comparative legal method, which allowed us to identify “universal” forms of mutual penetration of private and public law in the Russian and German legal systems.

Traditionally, in the Russian science of law, the study of the convergence of public and private law is conducted in both directions. It seems that the study of the “publicization” of civil law and the “civilization” of administrative law should be carried out separately, since the causes, goals, types, mechanisms and consequences of such penetration are different. The “publicization” of civil law has significant differences in the ordinary period of the development of the legal system and in conditions of significant social and economic changes. When administrative law borrows civil law instruments for the purposes of public administration, there is both an expansion of the subject of administrative law and a wider use of the dispositive method of legal regulation. For both forms of convergence of public and private law, the key issue from the point of view of the status of subjects of law, the state of their protection, is the boundaries of influence: the boundaries of the impact of public law on civil law; the boundaries of borrowing civil law structures for the implementation of public administration functions.

convergence of administrative and civil law, “publicization” of civil law, “privatization” of administrative law, reception of civil law norms, subsidiary application of civil law
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Additional sources and materials

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