The Subjective Condition of Liability for Causing Harm by a Source of Increased Danger in the Law of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
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The Subjective Condition of Liability for Causing Harm by a Source of Increased Danger in the Law of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam
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Quang Huy Nguyen 
Occupation: Postgraduate Student, Law Institute
Affiliation: Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba
Address: Moscow, Russia

The fault of the owner of the source of increased danger (SID) is a subjective condition that is not required for the occurrence of liability for causing harm by the source of increased danger. However, the Civil Code of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam does not distinguish the application of this ground between the case when the damage is caused by the SID owner to a citizen who is not the SID owner, and the case when the damage is caused to the SID owners as a result of the interaction of two sources of increased danger. In the civil science of Vietnam, there are two opposing opinions of scientists and courts.

Research objectives: to clarify the opinion of Vietnamese scientists when studying the question of the significance of the SID owner’s guilt as a subjective basis for liability for causing harm by SID and to identify the point of view of the courts when considering and resolving cases related to causing such harm.

To achieve these goals, scientific methods such as analysis and synthesis were used in the framework of the study.

Results and conclusions. In the Vietnamese civil science, denying the guilt of the SID owner is a common position recognized by most scientists. From the point of view of the Vietnamese courts, it is impossible to deny the fact of the SID owner’s guilt. In the case when harm is caused to SID owners as a result of the interaction of two sources of increased danger, the courts determine liability depending on the degree of guilt of each of the SID owners. This is regarded as an exception to the special tort. The author of the study suggests determining the guilt of the SID owner by such criteria as his prudence and care for the object of the material world during its operation. It is also proposed to introduce a number of amendments to the Civil Code of Vietnam to eliminate gaps in legislation, increase efficiency and ensure consistency in the application of Vietnamese laws.

tort liability, liability of the owner of a source of increased danger, guilt of the owner of a source of increased danger, civil science of Vietnam, interaction of sources of increased danger
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Additional sources and materials

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