Current Trends in the Legislation of the Republic of Serbia on Criminal Prosecution
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Current Trends in the Legislation of the Republic of Serbia on Criminal Prosecution
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Ivan Milich 
Occupation:  Assistant at the Department of Criminal Law, Faculty of Law
Affiliation: University of Novi Sad
Address: Novi Sad, Serbia

Modern criminal law science is particularly dynamic, and it is reflected in the development of national legislation. The institutions of criminal and criminal procedure law are becoming more and more universal, taking progressive ideas from the continental and Anglo-Saxon legal system. The states are searching for optimal mechanisms for the functioning of criminaljurisdictional activities that allow solving the tasks of national policy. These trends have not spared the Republic of Serbia, where increased attention is paid to the creation of a regulatory framework aimed at maximizing the effectiveness of the means used to successfully combat crime. Special emphasis is placed on the development of an optimal legislative model of criminal prosecution, which is an important legal category that not only affects criminal procedural relations, but also acts as an instrument for the implementation of criminal law norms.

The analysis of Serbian legislation concerning the futures of criminal prosecution shows that in the future it is necessary to take measures aimed at eliminating the contradictions contained in the current legal norms. At the same time, it is important to ensure as much as possible the rights and legitimate interests of the accused involved in criminal proceedings, in the process of an economic crime, as well as in administrative proceedings.

criminal prosecution, criminal offenses, criminal proceedings, economic crimes, offenses
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Additional sources and materials

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20. Kucherov I. I., Zaytsev O. A., Nudel S. L. (eds). Economic Security (Criminal Law Format). Moscow, 2021. 303 p. (In Russ. )


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