Countering Corruption from the Fundamental Knowledge Standpoint
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Countering Corruption from the Fundamental Knowledge Standpoint
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Thalia Y. Khabrieva 
Occupation: Director
Affiliation: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Moscow, Russia

Conceptualization of anti-corruption knowledge occupies a prominent place on the scientific agenda. Observations of its increment, along with undoubted achievements, have shown an imbalance and relative autonomy of the spheres of knowledge about corruption and countering it, as well as the lack of the necessary collaboration of scientists representing various fields of science. The search for ways to overcome the factors hindering the development of this scientific field, as well as responses to new challenges of corruption, led to the confirmation of the conclusions previously made by the author of the article, the expansion of their argumentation, the generation of new proposals and the formulation of promising tasks for the doctrine.

In particular, the thesis of interdisciplinarity as the basic principle of research on countering corruption is being developed, on the need for scientists to learn the methodology of interdisciplinary research and create methods for preparing programs for their implementation, on accounting and synthesizing sectoral knowledge. For the purposes of practical overcoming of the “catching up” nature of anti-corruption, it is proposed to use the achievements of synergetics and consider corruption as a complex selfdeveloping system, to focus attention on studying not corruption itself but on the program of its reproduction (and self-regulation). The identification and decoding of this program can open up wide opportunities for control or destroying corruption; through this process qualitatively increase the effectiveness of countering this phenomenon. Such a scientific result is a necessary condition for designing an adequate system of anti-corruption measures.

The article assesses the current state of the Russian legislation constitutionalization in terms of its implementation of the anticorruption standard enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation. The proposals on systematization of the Russian anticorruption legislation are formulated, arguments are given in support of the creation of common regional anti-corruption standards and the development of a unified Eurasian Anti-Corruption Strategy, private scientific tasks are set and directions of practiceoriented research are outlined, with which further prospects for the development and streamlining of scientific knowledge in the field of anti-corruption are associated.

anti-corruption legislation, anti-corruption standard, doctrinal knowledge of anti-corruption, Eurasian Anti-Corruption Strategy, corruption, anti-corruption, systematization of anti-corruption legislation
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Additional sources and materials

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