Protection of Lake Baikal in the Context of the Latin American Experience of Preserving World Heritage Sites
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Protection of Lake Baikal in the Context of the Latin American Experience of Preserving World Heritage Sites
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Roman Kolobov 
Occupation: Head of the Fundamental Research Department, Scientific Research Institute for the Legal Protection of Lake Baikal; Associate Professor at the Department of International Law and Comparative Law, Law Institute
Affiliation: Irkutsk State University
Address: Irkutsk, Russia
Yaroslava Dicevich
Occupation: Leading Researcher, Department of Theory and History of State and Law
Affiliation: Irkutsk Law Institute (branch), University of the Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation
Address: Irkutsk, Russia

Differences in legal systems, social, economic and political conditions of development of the States parties to the Convention on the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage affect the practice of fulfilling relevant obligations and at the same time are a significant source of information and ideas for the development of activities for the preservation of World Heritage sites in individual countries, taking into account the unity of the principles and approaches existing at the international level to issues of protection of internationally recognized unique objects.

The purpose of the article is to formulate conclusions and proposals for improving the legal regulation and practice of preserving the World Heritage site "Lake Baikal" based on the analysis of current Russian legislation and environmental work, as well as on the results of consideration of the features of the protection of World Natural Heritage sites by some Latin American countries. To achieve this goal, a set of tasks has been defined: analysis of legislation and practice for the protection of unique natural objects in the Russian Federation, primarily Lake Baikal; analysis of the practice of fulfilling the international obligations of the Convention on the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage by Latin American countries (Costa Rica, Panama and Honduras); formulation of proposals for the development of the studied activities in relation to Lake Baikal, as well as in general in the field of protection of world heritage sites in Russia.

Research methods: dialectical, private scientific (analysis, deduction, induction, structural-functional, logical, etc.) and special (formal-legal, comparative-legal).

Based on an interim conclusion that, despite the significant territorial remoteness, similar problems arise within the framework of the protection of World Heritage sites in Latin America and Russia, which must be solved using not only the normative provisions of international treaties, but also the norms of “soft” law, the authors provide a number of proposals for improving the current Russian legislation in order to improve the efficiency of the preservation of World Heritage sites in general and Lake Baikal in particular.

World Heritage site, Lake Baikal, environmental protection, Latin America, biosphere reserve, specially protected natural area, strategic environmental assessment
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Additional sources and materials

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4.	Ditsevich Ya. B., Kolobov R. Yu. On the Concept of the Establishment of a Complex Information Resource to Raise the Efficiency of Lake Baikal Conservation Activities. Ekologicheskoe pravo, 2023, no. 1, pp. 2—7. (In Russ.)
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8.	Kolobov R. Yu. Problems of International Law Regulation of Creation of Hydraulic Structures on Transboundary Rivers (Example of Ecosystem River Selenga — Lake Baikal). Ekonomika. Sotsiologiya. Pravo, 2018, no. 3, pp. 116—132. (In Russ.)
9.	Kolobov R. Yu. The problems of delineation of borders of the world heritage site “Lake Baikal”. Sibirskiy yuridicheskiy vestnik, 2019, no. 2, pp. 113—119. (In Russ.)
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11.	Kolobov R. Yu., Ganeva E. O., Suvorova A. V. The practice of protecting world natural heritage sites in Africa. Mezhdunarodnoe pravo, 2022, no. 3, pp. 42—53. (In Russ.)
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16.	Yakunin V. I., Rusakova T. Yu. Ecological Public Policy of Russia and Latin America (on the Example of Ecuador, Mexico, Brazil). Mir novoy ekonomiki, 2022, no. 2, pp. 30—42. (In Russ.)


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