Qualification of Marital Dwelling in the Private International Law of European Countries
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Qualification of Marital Dwelling in the Private International Law of European Countries
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Dmitry Tarikanov 
Occupation: Lecturer, Department of Private International Law
Affiliation: Russian Foreign Trade Academy
Address: Moscow, Russia

The legal status of the marital dwelling in conflict of laws is a significant problem due to the uncoordination of the static statute of marital property and the considerations of protecting a weak spouse dictated by the statute of his current place of residence, which is simultaneously the law of the location of the thing, the law of the court, the alimony statute, the superimperative norm and the norm applied by virtue of the public policy clause.

The author of the article sets the task to critically present the evolution and current state of this problem in the legislation of European countries (primarily in Germany), as well as to propose his own solution.

The research is based on the method of comparative law.

Conclusion: marital dwelling, due to political and legal considerations for the protection of a weak spouse, has actually been removed from the scope of the statute of marital property, although formally, taking into account the latest pan-European conflict of laws legislation, there is a tendency to include marital dwelling in this sphere and simultaneously exclude it on the basis of a reservation on super-mandatory norms. The author’s proposal consists in the alimony qualification of the legal status of the marital dwelling, which is a more logical solution and leads to the same practical result. The inevitable consequence of such decisions is the devaluation of the scope of the statute of marital property due to the fact that the marital dwelling is the main, and sometimes the only valuable asset in the property mass of the spouses. Rather, this situation is evidence that a static conflict of laws binding in relation to marital property does not meet modern social realities, and its correction with the help of a special legal status of the marital home makes it possible to find a workable solution.

conflict of laws, characterization, maintenance obligations, public policy, overriding mandatory provisions, law of the forum, law of the state where the property is situated, marital dwelling
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Additional sources and materials

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