Economic Crimes: Comparative Legal Analysis of the Criminal Codes of the CIS Member States
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Economic Crimes: Comparative Legal Analysis of the Criminal Codes of the CIS Member States
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Marina Goloventchik 
Occupation: Postgraduate Student, Department of Criminal Law
Affiliation: Belarusian State University
Address: Minsk, Belarus

An analysis of the criminal codes of the CIS member states demonstrates the existence of significant differences as to which acts should be classified as economic crimes. This determines the relevance of conducting a comparative legal study in order to develop possible directions for the harmonization of the relevant criminal codes.

The purpose of this work is to analyze the range of acts that relate to economic crimes, based on the study of the structural elements of the criminal codes of the CIS member states providing for responsibility for economic crimes. In order to achieve this goal, doctrinal sources were studied, in which the issues of attribution of certain acts to economic crimes were considered, the provisions of criminal legislation concerning the crimes in question were identified, and the analysis of the main approaches to determining the structural elements of the criminal codes of the CIS countries was carried out.

The general scientific (analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, etc.) and special legal (formal legal, comparative legal, etc.) methods of cognition applied by the author allowed us to formulate conclusions about the significant difference in approaches to determining the range of acts encroaching on the order of economic activity, and the need to harmonize the provisions on economic crimes in criminal codes CIS member states. Possible directions of harmonization of approaches to understanding the range of acts related to economic crimes are proposed. The proposals on narrowing the range of socially dangerous acts that should be attributed to economic crimes by distinguishing them from other crimes in the field of economics (among which it is possible to include tax, customs, etc.) are substantiated.

economic crimes, economic crime, crimes against the order of economic activity, comparative-legal analysis, criminal legislation
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Additional sources and materials

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13.	Mazhitova S. R. On the problem of defining the concept of “economic crime” (economic crimes). Vestnik Chelyabinskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2011, no. 35(250), pp. 49—53. (In Russ.)
14.	Nikishina A. V. On the relationship between the concepts of “crimes in the sphere of economic activity” and “economic crimes”. Vestnik studencheskogo nauchnogo obshchestva GOU VPO “Donetskiy natsional’nyy universitet”, 2018, vol. 4, no. 10-2, pp. 127—131. (In Russ.)
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16.	Shuvalov I. I. The Concept of Economic Activity in Contemporary Law of Russia. Lex russica, 2020, vol. 73, no. 6(163), pp. 61—67. (In Russ.)
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19.	Vodneva M. A., Martynov Yu. A., Rybak S. V. Criminal law. Minsk, 2022. 352 p. (In Russ.)
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