Criminal Legal Protection of Intellectual Property in Western Countries
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Criminal Legal Protection of Intellectual Property in Western Countries
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Sergey Titov 
Occupation: Vice-Rector
Affiliation: Ulyanovsk State University of Education
Address: Ulyanovsk, Russia

The rapid development of relations and processes related to the creation and circulation of objects of intellectual property in Russia involves the search for legislative solutions aimed at increasing the effectiveness of their protection. Appeal to the experience of foreign countries makes it possible to create a basis for comparison and making proposals for adjusting domestic legislation on the violation of rights to these objects. To solve this most important task, the author of the article explores the legislation in the field of combating crimes against intellectual property and the practice of its application in Western countries. The article describes the main trends in this area, analyzes the positive experience of these countries, which could be used in domestic criminal law. At the same time, the main attention is paid to the legal regulation of criminal liability in this area, the comparative characteristics of criminal liability (types, sizes of penalties), as well as the presence of a strategic approach to combating crimes against intellectual property.

The article is a presentation of comparative research based on the comparative legal method. The author does not set himself the task of studying the legislation of all Western countries, but refers to the legislation of individual states, whose experience is indicative. The basis for the study is primarily legislative acts. In addition, the reports of states on the practice of protecting intellectual property, presented at international platforms, are valuable material for research.

On the basis of the study, the author comes to the conclusion about the long period of existence of the problem and the importance of its solution. Foreign experience and the conclusions drawn should be taken into account when improving Russian legislation in this area. The main trends in the development of legislation in this area are the strengthening of responsibility, the expansion of the range of intellectual property objects protected by criminal law, the strategic approach to combating “intellectual piracy”, as well as the unification of the efforts of various government departments and private companies in this area.

criminal liability, intellectual property, comparative criminal law, intellectual rights, intellectual property infringement
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Additional sources and materials

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