Forms and Content of Anti-Corruption Education (Enlightenment) in the Pre-University Format
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Forms and Content of Anti-Corruption Education (Enlightenment) in the Pre-University Format
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Yury Truntsevskiy 
Occupation: Dr. Sci. (Law), Prof., Head of the Department of Methodology of Combating Corruption, ILCL
Affiliation: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

Anti-corruption measures are more aimed at combating corrupt officials, while less attention is paid to measures to prevent it. This is one of the omissions in the eradication of corruption. And if anti-corruption measures have generally reduced it, then the results of its prevention are still insufficient. One of such important measures is anti-corruption education. The purpose of the study is to develop proposals for the formation of anti-corruption educational content for school children. Objectives: to consider the existing practice of anti-corruption education (enlightenment) in the pre-university format, to explore the role that anti-corruption education (enlightenment) plays in shaping the anti-corruption character of school children; to identify the main problems of improving the forms of anti-corruption education (enlightenment) in the pre-university format. Research methods: logical; systematic; formal-legal; comparative-historical. Results. It is proved that anti-corruption behavior and attitudes that should be developed in school leadership are honesty, diligence, discipline, courage, responsibility, independence, simplicity, fairness, care, open-mindedness and transparency. Special training of teachers in anti-corruption education (enlightenment) is needed. When developing anti-corruption education programs, the information in them should be ranked by the audience: students of junior, middle and senior grades.

school children, students, history, social studies, behavior, program
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28. Yakusheva L. V. Anti-corruption education of vet students on the example of ’Law’ teaching. Innovatsionnoe razvitie professional’nogo obrazovaniya, 2018, no. 2, pp. 58—61. (In Russ.)


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