Judicial Interpretation of International Treaties (Based on the Practice of the Permanent Court of International Justice and the UN International Court of Justice)
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Judicial Interpretation of International Treaties (Based on the Practice of the Permanent Court of International Justice and the UN International Court of Justice)
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Lana Berg 
Occupation: Researcher, Center of International Law and Comparative Legal Studies
Affiliation: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Moscow, Russia

In international law, the interpretation of international treaties plays an important role and is of fundamental importance for ensuring stability and justice in international relations. This complex process, as the practice of dispute resolution bodies shows, is the art of resolving contradictions in the interpretation of norms and principles of international law. Commonly, the cause of a dispute between two or more States regarding the application of an international treaty is the different positions of these States regarding the meaning of the provisions of the treaty in question. Likewise, judges often disagree on matters of interpretation, leading to the prevalence of dissenting opinions in the international judiciary system.

The purpose of this article is to examine to what extent the practice of the ICJ demonstrates a special understanding of the rules set out in articles 31—33 of the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties; the sources it relies upon when applying these rules, whether it applies other principles of interpretation not explicitly provided for in these articles. The objectives of the article are to summarize the practice of the Permanent Court of International Justice and the International Court of Justice in the field of interpretation, to identify common features in their approaches to the interpretation of international treaties and to analyze their development over time. Understanding the complex process of judicial interpretation, in which the Court disagrees with the Vienna Rules of Interpretation or develops them, allows us to complement domestic scientific research in recent years, in which the interpretation of international treaties is considered from a more practical point of view.

international law, international treaties, interpretation, principles of interpretation, Permanent Court of International Justice, International Court of Justice, Vienna Convention, international disputes
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Additional sources and materials

1. Fitzmaurice G. The Law and Procedure of the International Court of Justice: Treaty Interpretation and Certain Other Treaty Points. In: Lauterpacht H. (ed.). The British Year Book of International Law. 1951. London; New York; Toronto, 1952. Pp. 1—28. 
2. Fitzmaurice G. The Law and Procedure of the International Court of Justice. Cambridge, 1986. 860 p. 
3. Fitzmaurice G. Vae Victis or Woe to the Negotiators: Your Treaty or Our “Interpretation” of It? American Journal of International Law, 1971, vol. 65, pp. 358—373. 
4. Hudson M. O. The Permanent Court of International Justice: A Treatise. New York, 1934. 842 p. 
5. Thirlway H. The Law and Procedure of the International Court of Justice 1960—1989: Supplement 2006, Part Three. British Yearbook of International Law, 2007, vol. 77, iss. 1, pp. 1—82. 
6. Thirlway H. W. A. The International Court of Justice. Oxford, 2016. 223 p. 
7. Kapustin A. Ya., Kovler A. I., Belyalova A. M., Lebedeva Ya. I., Fokin E. A. Inter-State Applications in International Courts: History and Prospects. Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law, 2020, no. 6, pp. 116—134. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.12737/ jflcl.2020.056. 
8. Mekhtiev M. G. International legal mechanisms for breaking International financial mismatches. Ekonomika. Pravo. Obshchestvo, 2021, vol. 6, no. 4(28), pp. 43—56. (In Russ.) 
9. Naletov K. I. The tasks of modern international law in the context of the disintegration of the world community. In: Tolstykh V. V., Kopylov I. A. (eds). Trends in the development of the system of international relations and their impact on the management of the national defense of the Russian Federation. Moscow, 2023. Pp. 291—298. (In Russ.) 
10. Kapustin A. Ya. (ed.). Modern concept of Interaction between International and Domestic Law. Moscow, 2023. 336 p. (In Russ.) 
11. Kapustin A. Ya. (ed.). Modern concept of interpretation of international treaties. Moscow, 2022. 432 p. (In Russ.) 
12. Shulyatev I. A., Berg L. A. Regionalization of International trade law. International Legal Courier, 2023, no. 2, pp. 69—74. (In Russ.)


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