Problems of Protection of Lake Ohrid and Lake Baikal as World Natural Heritage Properties: A Comparative Legal Study
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Problems of Protection of Lake Ohrid and Lake Baikal as World Natural Heritage Properties: A Comparative Legal Study
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Roman Kolobov 
Occupation: Researcher, Department of Regional Economic and Social Problems, ISC SB RAS; Associate Professor, Department of International Law and Comparative Law, Law Institute, ISU
Irkutsk Scientific Center, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences
Irkutsk State University
Address: Irkutsk, Russia

The article is constructed by grouping conservation problems common to various World Heritage properties, including Lake Ohrid and Lake Baikal. The paper covers the issues of determining the boundaries of World Heritage properties, the practice of organizing the management of these properties; international and national normative regulation of water bodies protection and its prospects; complex issues of organizing measures for the protection of the properties.

The aim of the work is to conduct a comparative legal study of such World Heritage properties as Lake Ohrid and Lake Baikal. To achieve the goal the following tasks were set: study of the activities of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage in relation to the considered properties, study of the national legislation of the Russian Federation, North Macedonia and Albania, study of the general problematic issues of protection of the World Heritage properties, in particular, the issues of territorial planning and real estate construction, development of proposals to optimize the activities for the protection of Lake Baikal.

Comparative legal, logical, system-structural, formal-legal and other research methods are used in the work.

The conducted research shows both the commonality of problems in the protection of the lake systems under consideration, as well as significant differences due, among other things, to the spatial dimensions of reservoirs. The author formulated proposals aimed at improving the conservation of the World Heritage site of Lake Baikal. At the same time, attention is focused on the spiritual significance of Lake Baikal for residents of the Baikal region and all Russians, in connection with which it seems appropriate to recognize Lake Baikal as an object of cultural heritage.

World Heritage Sites, Lake Baikal, Ohrid Lake, conservation of World Heritage Sites, environmental protection activities, international law
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Additional sources and materials

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no. 3, pp. 21—36.
11. Kolobov R. Yu. The problems of delineation of borders of the World Heritage Site “Lake Baikal”. Siberean Law Herald, 2019,
no. 2, pp. 113—119. (In Russ.)
12. Kolobov R. Yu., Kolosov A. V. Law and innovation: digitalization, industry, ecology. Irkutsk, 2023. 151 p. (In Russ.).
13. Kolobov R. Yu., Ditsevich Ya. B. On the concept of the establishment of a complex information resource to raise the efficiency
of Lake Baikal conservation activities. Ekologicheskoe pravo, 2023, no. 1, pp. 2—7. (In Russ.)
14. Kolobov R. Yu., Ditsevich Ya. B. The World Heritage Site “Lake Baikal” as an Associative Cultural Landscape: Problem
Statement. Journal of Russian Law, 2024, vol. 28, no. 1, pp. 132—142. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.61205/jrp.2024.1.6.
15. Kolobov R. Yu., Ditsevich Ya. B., Cherdakova L. Protection of World Natural Heritage sites in Russia and Brazil: comparative
legal analysis. Pravosudie, 2023, no. 2, pp. 84—109. (In Russ.)


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