The Beginning of the Expediency and Grounds for the Termination of a Criminal Case and Criminal Prosecution in the German Criminal Process
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The Beginning of the Expediency and Grounds for the Termination of a Criminal Case and Criminal Prosecution in the German Criminal Process
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Yana Ploshkina 
Occupation: Associate Professor, Department of Criminal Procedure and Criminalistics, Law Institute
Affiliation: Siberian Federal University
Address: Krasnoyarsk, Russia

Currently, the principle of expediency, characteristic of the Anglo-Saxon criminal procedure, penetrates into continental criminal proceedings, in particular into the German criminal procedure. Since the second half of the 20th century, the principle of expediency has been actively introduced into the German criminal process, which historically was characterized by the beginning of legality. The beginning of expediency acquires particular significance when a criminal case and criminal prosecution are terminated. The introduction of the principle of expediency in criminal proceedings contributes to the optimization of the criminal process and the implementation of the principle of procedural economy.

The article examines the beginning of expediency in the German criminal process, which is perceived ambiguously in science, but is becoming increasingly widespread in law enforcement, which is confirmed by statistical data from the Federal Office of Statistics of Germany. The work examines the grounds for termination of a criminal case and criminal prosecution in the German criminal process based on the beginning of legality and expediency; the most common classification in German legal science of the grounds for termination of a criminal case and criminal prosecution on grounds of expediency is given, depending on the imposition of burdens on the accused in the form of his fulfillment certain duties or instructions and analyzed individual grounds for termination of a criminal case and criminal prosecution, in which the beginning of expediency is most clearly manifested in the German criminal process. According to the principle of expediency, the prosecutor̓s office in German criminal proceedings, as the body authorized to initiate criminal prosecution, has the right in each individual case, at its own discretion, to assess the advisability and necessity of criminal prosecution and decide whether to bring public charges or to terminate the criminal case or criminal prosecution.

Familiarity with the German criminal process in terms of introducing into it the principle of expediency when terminating a criminal case seems informative and useful for a better understanding and further development of the Russian criminal process, for its possible differentiated regulation.

the beginning of expediency, the beginning of legality, grounds for termination of criminal prosecution and case, German criminal procedure
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Additional sources and materials

1. Tarbagaev A. N., Mayorova L. V., Ploshkina Ya. M. German experience in terminating criminal prosecution with the imposition of duties and instructions on the accused in the context of the Russian draft law on criminal offenses. Russian Journal of Criminology, 2021, vol. 15, no. 6, pp. 775—785. (In Russ.). 
2. Beulke W., Swoboda S. Strafprozessrecht. 16. Auf. Heidelberg, 2022. 544 p. 
3. Ostendorf H., Brüning J. Strafprozessrecht. 4. Auf. Baden-Baden, 2021. 306 p. 
4. Putzke H., Scheinfeld J., Putzke C. Strafprozessrecht. 9. Auf. München, 2022. 231 p. 
5. Roxin C. Strafprozessrecht. Prüfe dein Wissen. Rechtsfälle in Frage und Antwort. 15. Auf. München, 1997. 571 p. 
6. Roxin C. Strafverfahrensrecht. 25. Auf. München, 1998. 529 p. 
7. Stuckenberg C-F. Untersuchungen zur Unschuldsvermutung. Berlin; Boston, 1998. 682 p. 
8. Schlüchter E. Strafprozessrecht. 2. Auf. Nürnberg, 1995. 203 p. 
9. Boylke V. Criminal procedural law of German. Transl. from German by Ya. M. Ploshkina. Krasnoyarsk, 2004. 351 p. (In Russ.) 
10. Golovnenkov P. V. Criminal Code of the Federal Republic of Germany: scientific and practical. comm. and translation of the text of the law. Potsdam, 2021. 489 p. (In Russ.) 
11. Golovnenkov P., Spitsa N. Criminal Procedure Code of the Federal Republic of Germany — Strafprozessordnung (StPO): scientific and practical. comm. and translation of the text of the law. Potsdam, 2012. 329 p. (In Russ.) 
12. Golovko L. V. (ed.). Criminal procedure course. 3rd ed. Moscow, 2021. 1328 p. (In Russ.) 
13. Ploshkina Ya. M. The legal nature of making amends and compensation for damage caused by a crime under Russian and German. Vestnik of Saint Petersburg University. Law, 2022, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 486—505. (In Russ.) 
14. Ploshkina Ya. M., Kirillova N. P. Termination of criminal prosecution with the assignment of responsibilities and instructions to the accused as an alternative way of resolving a criminal legal conflict in German criminal proceedings. Lex russica, 2022, vol. 75, no. 6(187), pp. 109—122. (In Russ.)


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