On Opportunities of Comparative Judicial Law
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On Opportunities of Comparative Judicial Law
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Evgeniy Fokin 
Occupation: Senior Researcher, Center of International Law and Comparative Legal Studies
Affiliation: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Moscow, Russia

The subject of this study is to determine the opportunities for using the comparative legal method in judicial law. The article is divided into two parts. In the first, the author attempts to concretize the concept of “judicial law” and substantiate his vision of this concept. The second one examines promising areas of using the comparative legal method in the study of issues of judiciary and the organization of justice.

The author proceeds from a rather limited subject of judicial law as a scientific field. It includes fundamental issues of the development of judicial institutions and the organization of justice. At the same time, the idea of the unity of the process, which is associated with the historical emergence of the judicial law concept, is considered by the author as no longer relevant. However, the theses put forward by Russian scientists on judicial and organizational legal relations that develop outside the procedural law, but are directly related to the administration of justice, have a significant perspective.

The article shows that the use of the comparative method in judicial law is objectively necessary and allows us to identify general patterns of development of judicial systems, the most promising approaches to regulating judicial and organizational relations and to determine the possibilities of using foreign experience in the development of national judicial institutions. For Russia at the present stage, the analysis of the practice of international courts (primarily the European Court of Human Rights) in cases of violation by foreign states of the right to a fair trial of specific applicants is of particular relevance.

judicial law, comparative law, judicial power, organization of justice, judicial and organizational relations
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Additional sources and materials

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