Experience in Legal Regulation of Forest Management in Russia and in Foreign Countries (Using the Example of East African Countries)
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Experience in Legal Regulation of Forest Management in Russia and in Foreign Countries (Using the Example of East African Countries)
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Julia Shupletsova 
Occupation: Leading Researcher, Department of Environmental and Agricultural Legislation
Affiliation: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Moscow, Russia
Andrey Prilipov
Occupation: Researcher, Faculty of Geography
Affiliation: Lomonosov Moscow State University
Address: Moscow, Russia

The article deals with issues related to the legal regulation of forest management in Russia and East Africa.

The purpose of the study is a legal analysis of recent changes in the forest and environmental legislation of the studied countries, as well as the views of Russian and foreign scientists on the problems of the influence of legislative innovations on the state of the forest fund.

In the course of writing the article, the main methods of scientific investigation were used: comparative legal, comparative historical, methods of description and interpretation, theoretical methods of formal and dialectical logic, as well as special scientific methods: legal-dogmatic and the method of interpreting of legal norms.

The authors reviewed the existing legal norms and statistical data, on the basis of which conclusions were drawn regarding the most optimal elimination of existing gaps and contradictions. At the same time, the purpose of writing this article is not to study the environmental forestry legislation of African states, but to study the impact of legislative changes that have occurred in the countries under study on the state and use of forests. As a result of the analysis, the authors show, using specific examples, the process of forming an array of legislation on the use and protection of forests in Russia and the countries of East Africa.

forest legislation, forest lands, forest plantations, agricultural forests, forest code, forest legislation of the states of East Africa, Bonn Challenge
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Additional sources and materials

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13. Minina E. L., Shupletsova Yu. I. Forest and Plant Life: Legal Problems of Distinction. Perm University Herald. Juridical Sciences, 2021, iss. 51, pp. 84—104. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.17072/1995-4190-2021-51-84-104. 
14. Khabrieva T. Y., Tikhomirov Yu. A. (eds). Scientific Concept of Development of the Russian Legislation. 7th ed. Moscow, 2015. 544 p. (In Russ.) 
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16. Polyanskaya G. N. Protection of state ownership rights to forests. Moscow, 1956. 252 p. (In Russ.) 
17. Chernov S. N. Features of the development of modern forest legislation of the Russian Federation. Yurist, 2020, no. 4, pp. 66— 70. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.18572/1812-3929-2020-4-66-70. 
18. Shupletsova Yu. I. Features of Legal Regulation of the Forest Use on Lands of Various Categories. Journal of Russian Law, 2020, no. 9, pp. 120—133. (In Russ.) DOI: 10.12737/jrl.2020.111.


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