Evolution of the Comparative Method in Russian Historical and Legal Research
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Evolution of the Comparative Method in Russian Historical and Legal Research
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Aleksandra Dorskaya 
Occupation: Deputy Director for Scientific Work, Head of the Department of General Theoretical Legal Disciplines
Affiliation: North Western Branch, Russian State University of Justice
Address: Saint Petersburg, Russia

The article explores the issue of Russian historians employing comparative-legal methodology across different historical eras.

The study aims to identify and characterize the principal stages of comparative-legal method development in the Russian science of the history of the state and law.

The article utilized a chronological methodology to establish the order in which regulatory legal acts concerning the enhancement of the legal education system in Russia were implemented, as well as the incorporation of a comparative element in it. The descriptive method provided a means to explicate the primary research focal points in the field of applying the comparative legal method. The examination of the content of regulatory legal acts from different time periods used the formal-legal method, outlining the particularities of employing the comparative-legal method in historical and legal research. The diachronic analysis was utilized to ascertain the subject matter in which legal historians drew comparisons between individual norms, institutions, and branches of Russian law, while the synchronic one facilitated the identification of both common and distinctive attributes in different countries simultaneously.

Consequently, the impact of different legal theories on the extent of applicability and significant characteristics of the comparativelegal method in historical and legal research is demonstrated; the periods in which diachronic and synchronic analyses prevail in works on the history of the state and law, along with their underlying causes, are uncovered; through the lens of the Soviet era, the issue of the consequences of ascribing ideological significance to the comparative legal method is analyzed; the key topics that legal historians of different periods have disclosed through the application of comparisons in relation to state-legal material are discussed; the role of the comparative-legal method in shaping the legal education system in Russia and its content is illustrated.

comparative-legal method, historical and legal science, periodization of the history of the state and law, legal education, legal schools
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Additional sources and materials

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