The Official Remembrance Policy: A Comparative Analysis of the Legislation and Judicial Practice of Modern States
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The Official Remembrance Policy: A Comparative Analysis of the Legislation and Judicial Practice of Modern States
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Aleksandra Dorskaia 
Occupation: Deputy Director, Head of the Department General Theoretical Legal Disciplines
Affiliation: North Western Branch, Russian State University of Justice
Address: St. Petersburg, Russia

The article explores the problem of consolidating memorable dates by modern states, which is part of the official remembrance policy.

The study is intended to provide a comparative legal analysis of the forms and models of establishing memorable dates in foreign countries.

Using a chronological approach, the article outlines the sequence used for adopting the regulatory acts in different countries. Through the descriptive method, it is possible to illustrate the main directions of the official remembrance policy of foreign countries and demonstrate the significance of memorable dates in it. In order to analyze the content of regulatory acts in different states, the formal legal method is employed. As part of the comparative legal method, a diachronic snapshot is used to identify changes in attitudes of states toward particular memorable dates, while a synchronic snapshot allows identifying common and distinctive features in establishing memorable dates across different countries during the same historical period. Legal modeling is applied to determine an optimal model for legislative consolidation of memorable dates.

After studying the role of memorable dates in the official remembrance policy of foreign countries, it is concluded that the number of the regulatory acts and international agreements dedicated to memorable dates has increased, given the actualization of historical knowledge and ongoing “memory wars”. A classification of memorable dates — to which states pay the greatest attention today — is proposed. With regard to memorable dates and public holidays, the model of establishing memorable dates through the orders and decrees issued by heads of state as well as government resolutions is considered optimal.

official remembrance policy, memorable dates, historical events, historical figures, award system
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Additional sources and materials

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