Specializing the Courts in China as a National State Development Strategy (Part II)
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Specializing the Courts in China as a National State Development Strategy (Part II)
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Andrew Schukin 
Occupation: Leading Researcher, Department of Private International Law
Affiliation: Institute of Legislation and Comparative Law under the Government of the Russian Federation
Address: Moscow, Russia

Separation of areas of courts’ practice is the best mechanism for increasing the level of competence, consistency and efficiency in the administration of justice in civil and economic disputes. The Chinese Government considers specialised courts in areas such as finance, intellectual property, the Internet and international trade as a means of accelerating a limited set of professional reforms to achieve party-state goals in the field of territorial development, technology and geopolitics development.

The Supreme People’s Court of China sees a direct link between major national strategic events, including the Belt and Road Initiative and the creation of pilot free trade zones, and the need to guarantee domestic and foreign parties judicial services that are inclusive and impartial, convenient and effective, reasonable and measured. Just as the competition of great powers influenced legal changes in other historical conditions, China’s global strategies are changing its domestic legislative ways, which deserves due attention.

Specialisation of judicial activity should be a strategic goal of further improvement of the Russian judicial system in the Russian Federation as well today. Against the background of the world economy globalisation and the struggle for foreign investment, the Russian state should face the task of forming a favourable independent specialised legal institutional mechanism for resolving, in particular, cross-border disputes. With regard to the latter, the interests of the Russian legal system, as well as the interest of participants in international trade and investment activities form a request for judicial specialisation. A new court in Moscow, the International Commercial (Business) Court of the Russian Federation, could effectively contribute to the satisfaction of these interests.

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Additional sources and materials

1.	Bondar N. S., Dzhagaryan A. A. Justice: Constitutional orientation. Moscow, 2018. 224 p. (In Russ.)
2.	Erie M. S. The New Legal Hubs: The Emergent Landscape of International Commercial Dispute Resolution. Virginia Journal of International Law, 2020, vol. 60, no. 2, pp. 225—298.
3.	Finder S. How the SPC Serves National Strategy and “Makes Law”: The Pilot FTZ’s Opinion and Its Implications. In Chaisse J., Jiaxiang Hu (eds). International Economic Law and the Challenges of the Free Zones. Kluwer Law International, 2019. Pp. 277—297.
4.	Huo Z., Yip M. Comparing the International Commercial Courts of China with the Singapore International Commercial Court. International and Comparative Law Quarterly, 2019, vol. 68, iss. 4, pp. 903—942.
5.	Jia M. Special Courts, Global China. Virginia Journal of International Law, 2022, vol. 62, no. 3, pp. 559—622.
6.	Kleandrov M. I. Court for a foreign strategic investor. Entrepreneurial Law, 2018, no. 1, pp. 31—39. (in Russ.)
7.	Liu L. J. The Rules of the (Belt and) Road: How Lawyers Participate in Chinaʼs Outbound Investment and Infrastructure Initiatives. Yale Journal of International Law Online, 2021, vol. 46, pp. 168—196.
8.	Long F. Innovation and Development of the China International Commercial Court. Chinese Journal of Comparative Law, 2020, vol. 8, iss. 1, pp. 40—44.
9.	Pavlova N. V. Resolution of international economic disputes: current trends. Perm Legal Almanac, 2019, pp. 50—61. (In Russ.)
10.	Rush Doshi. The Long Game: Chinaʼs Grand Strategy to Displace American Order. New York, 2021. 432 p.
11.	Semenov V. M. Court and Justic e in the USSR. 2nd ed. 1984. 320 p. (In Russ.)
12.	Shchukin A. I. Specialized Court for International Commercial Disputes as a Modern Prerequisite for Competitive Russian Justice in a Globalized World. Herald of Civil Procedure, 2022, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 232—290. (In Russ.)
13.	Shchukin A. I. Specialized State Courts — a Relevant Forun for Resolving International Commercial Disputes. Law. Journal of the Higher School of Economics, 2021, no. 3, pp. 175—207. (In Russ.)
14.	Yarkov V. V. Protection of Investors’ Rights in a Competitive Legal System (Specific Issues). Judicial Protection of Investors’ Rights: Collection of Scientific Papers. St. Petersburg, 2010. Pp. 39—59. (In Russ.)
15.	Zheng G. G. China’s Grand Design of People’s Smart Courts. Asian Journal of Law and Society, 2020, vol. 7, iss. 3, pp. 561—582.


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