Artificial Intelligence: A European Approach to Regulation
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Artificial Intelligence: A European Approach to Regulation
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Irina Filipova 
Occupation: Associate Professor at the Department of Labor Law and Environmental Law
Affiliation: National Research Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod
Address: Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

The development of artificial intelligence, which entails the expansion of the use of artificial intelligent systems in production, services, education, healthcare, transport, construction, etc., requires taking into account the ongoing changes in law. The transformative impact of artificial intelligence on public relations is so significant that the adoption of laws and conventions designed to regulate issues related to the use of artificial intelligence technologies in practice has been actively discussed at the national and international levels in recent years. The flagship of this movement is the European Union, which has set the task of most fully regulating this area and setting standards that will be largely accepted by other players on the world stage.

The purpose of the study is to study the European approach to the regulation of artificial intelligence for the subsequent assessment of the compliance of the tasks set by the European Union with its capabilities.

Research methods: formal-logical, including methods of abstraction, generalization, classification, methods of analysis and synthesis, as well as comparative legal method.

Conclusion: the European approach does have a number of advantages that allow us to talk about the upcoming expansion of European standards for the regulation of artificial intelligence outside the European Union. At the same time, the approach has inherent disadvantages that cannot be objectively eliminated within the framework of this approach. The reason for this is the deepening contradiction between anthropocentrism, on which the European approach is based, and the efforts of world political actors aimed at creating artificial intelligence superior to human.

artificial intelligence system, risk-based approach, soft law, Artificial Intelligence Act, European Union law, human rights, digital society
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Additional sources and materials

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