The Category of Objects of Civil Rights in the Spanish and Argentine Civil Law Interpretation
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The Category of Objects of Civil Rights in the Spanish and Argentine Civil Law Interpretation
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Vyacheslav Kress 
Occupation: Cand. Sci. (Law), Chairman of the Moscow District Arbitration Court
Affiliation: Moscow District Arbitration Court, Moscow, Russia

The subject of this study is the norms of Spanish and Argentine civil law on objects of civil rights, which are things (cosas), property (propiedad) and objects of the “patrimonio” category, which have no analogue in Russian civil legislation. A distinctive feature of Spanish law is an open list of limited proprietary rights. Russian legislation contains a legal category of objects of civil rights, the content of which in terms of the ratio of legal categories of things, property and property rights is extremely ambiguous, in addition, the nature of the fixed list of property rights (open or closed) is also the subject of discussion. The civil legislation of Argentina provides a way to define an object of the material world as an object of civil rights without specifically specifying the norms of current legislation. It seems that this method will significantly facilitate the emergence of new civil rights not provided for by law, for example, digital or virtual objects. Moreover, Russian private international law is characterized by the problem of distinguishing between real and binding statutes. In any case, the legal regime of a thing is largely determined by the law of its location. The assets of the Russian Federation (its subjects) located on the territory of Spain can represent both property and obligation rights, which directly affects the extension of the principle of jurisdictional immunity to them.

objects of civil rights, things, property, property rights, rights of claim, property rights, conflict of laws, property statute, contractual statute, Spanish law, law of Argentina
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Additional sources and materials

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