Дополнительные библиографические источники и материалы
1. Bilchitz D. Socio-economic rights, economic crisis, and legal doctrine // International Journal of Constitutional Law. 2014. Vol. 12. Iss. 3.
2. Bonnan-White J. Avoiding the emperor’s prophecy: a case for the primacy of emergency management in criminal justice and human security studies // Contemporary Justice Review. 2015. Vol. 18. Iss. 3.
3. Constant B. Écrits politiques. Paris, 1982.
4. Corradetti C., Pollicino O. The “War” Against Covid-19: State of Exception, State of Siege, or (Constitutional) Emergency Powers?: The Italian Case in Comparative Perspective // German Law Journal. 2021. Vol. 22. Iss. 6. 1.
5. Dworkin R. Justice in Robes. Cambridge, 2006.
6. Dworkin R. Law’s Empire. Cambridge, 1986.
7. European Welfare State Constitutions after the Financial Crisis / ed. by U. Becker, A. Poulou. Oxford, 2020.
8. Fabbrini F. The Role of the Judiciary in Times of Emergency: Judicial Review of Counter-Terrorism Measures in the United States Supreme Court and the European Court of Justice. Boston, 2015.
9. Garrison A. H. Supreme Court Jurisprudence in Times of National Crisis, Terrorism, and War. A Historical Perspective. Lexington Books, 2011.
10. Harris D. et al. Law of the European Convention on Human Rights. 2nd ed. Oxford, 2009.
11. Jessup P. Transnational Law. New Haven, 1956.
12. Karaiskou V. Facing the Future through the Light of the Past // Facing the Future, Facing the Screen / ed. by K. Nyiri. Budapest, 2022.
13. Locke J. Two Treatises of Government. London, 1823.
14. MacCormick N. Rhetoric and Rule of Law: A Theory of Legal Reasoning. Oxford, 2005.
15. Mariner W. K. Shifting Standards of Judicial Review during the Coronavirus Pandemic in the United States // German Law Journal. 2021. Vol. 22. Iss. 6.
16. McCormick N. Legal Reasoning and Legal Theory. Oxford, 1978.
17. Montesquieu Ch. L’esprit des lois. Paris, 1875.
18. Parmet W. E. Dangerous Perspectives: The Perils of Individualized, Public Health Problem // Journal of Legal Medicine. 2009. Vol. 30. No. 1.
19. Wildhaler L. The European Court of Human Rights, 1998—2006. History, Achievements, Reform. N. P. Engel, 2006.
20. Зорькин В. Д. Конституционный Суд России: доктрина и практика. М., 2018.
21. Правовые и институциональные основы предупреждения и ликвидации последствий чрезвычайных ситуаций / отв. ред. Т. Я. Хабриева. М., 2016.
22. Чичерин Б. Н. Общее государственное право. М., 2006. 23. Электронное правосудие / под ред. E. В. Бурдиной, С. В. Зуева. М., 2021.
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