Alternative Models of Constitutional Control
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Alternative Models of Constitutional Control
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Rovshan Ismailov 
Occupation: Cand. Sci. (Law), Judge of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan
Affiliation: Constitutional Court of the Republic of Azerbaijan, Baku, Azerbaijan

The article analyzes models of constitutional control and criteria for their identification, t aking into account the experience of their evolution and the variety of characteristics at the present time. In addition to the existing basic control models (diffuse and centralized), it is also proposed in legal thought to identify alternative models and their classification criteria. This allows us to explore the problem of constitutional control without focusing on the dominant approach to the classification of models based on whether control is carried out by a specialized constitutional court or a court of general jurisdiction. The purpose of the study is to give an idea of the construction of constitutional control models without connection only with the identification of the main models, allowing one to analyze the classification criteria that reveal the goals that give constitutional control its raison d’etre. The research used the dialectical method of cognition, general scientific methods of systematicity, modeling, analysis and synthesis, as well as special legal methods — comparative legal, historical and legal, etc. Based on the results of the analysis, it was concluded that models of constitutional control are evolving, emphasizing the tendency of their convergence. In systems that were originally centralized, elements characteristic of the diffuse model can be applied; control, exercised only in the form of concrete verification of the constitutionality of normative acts, may over time be characterized by qualities inherent in abstract control.

constitutional control, diffuse model, centralized (continental) model, convergence of systems, concrete and abstract constitutional control, a priori control, a posteriori control, control of the constitutionality of the law outside its application and in connection with the application of the law
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Additional sources and materials

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